30 April 2010


okay, so ponoko hates me.
i have been able to upload a few .eps files with only a few hiccups but now it completely hates me - wont let me upload anything at all.
all i want to do is get some quotes for some brooches!!

I'm really enjoying going through this creative process all over again, it feels like it's been a year since I started a new project.
I mean, hohkyo has been an on-going project, but now I'm actually doing something productive - it's not just planning and preparation anymore.

The brooches will be a total surprise, I'm not going to upload and samples or anything until the first lot have been made.
I'm trying to go with current design trends, but I really want to do something different.
(this means no owl-anything or helvetica font necklaces)
Still obsessed with forest animals, and exotic birds, but we'll see where this takes me.

27 April 2010


photo by timmacauley (deviantart)

I love the doom and gloom of melbourne during the winter/autumn months.
i've scrapped all of my summer ideas and will begin shortly on some fantastic (if i must so say myself) new art pieces.
(not artwork because i dont get paid for it.)

hohkyo now has over 50 fans.
not 39 billion, but it's better than 1. :)

my tattoo is really itchy and gross.
i love it, but the skin is peeling. eww.

12 April 2010

progress report

*one term down and I am yet to complete a single unit of my TAFE course.
*two months since I got my nose pierced and only now is it starting to heal.
*three months past my deadline to get t-shirts printed with some of my designs on them.
*four months since I heard from my last client. (this isn't a good sign...)
*twelve months since I last cleaned my room. :-/

I took time away from blogging in order to do stuff worth blogging about.
Isn't it sad/interesting/disturbing that since I stopped blogging about my personal life, I haven't been able to accomplish anything?
So, back on track it's time to get. (must. stop. speaking. like. yoda.)
I'm going to blog your ears off until I can say, "wow. I actually did more than sleep in late, eat chocolate while watching the biggest loser, complain about everybody's lack of hygiene and make hissing noises at the dog every time it looked at me."

Hmm. So.
Still investigating my options for a range of jewellery.
The graphic design element to hohkyo is flourishing, especially since Alana joined the team.
It's just the part where I come in that's failing.
I need to fire myself. I'm letting the team down. lol.

If you spot me near Brunswick please smack me and tell me to go home.
I soak up far too much inspiration when I visit these places, only to have dripped dry by the time I get home.
(an alternative would be to live closer to the city, hint hint johnboy)
I spend too much time running back and forth trying to get these ideas penned down
(figuratively speaking, I literally mean "photoshopped")
and am far too stupid to simply bring a pencil and a notebook with me.

I had a picnic with Bronwyn at the Carlton gardens the other week.
We ate heaps of cheese then played frizbee (whilst sitting down ofcourse).

04 April 2010


oh Sven Fristedt, why can't I seem to purchase your fabrics at IKEA anymore?

All I want are some curtains, but your lousy sales staff keep telling me porkies.
lol. porkies. what a stupid word.

01 April 2010

oh wow, a rainbow

This makes me happy.
end of story.